Life with happiness

                                              For me, happiness means enjoying your awesome life. Also, being
                 a cheerful. Happiness enjoys a happy life, as well as bonds. It is the best part of my 
                 life. Good things happen everyday when there is  happiness, and to be inspired. Happ-
                 iness is always there for me.

                                              Be cheerful. Strive to be happy. I chose this lesson because it inspires
                 me. I also need to learn about the lesson. Because being a cheerful person is awesome. 
                 Always being happy and a very cheerful person. 

                                               Yes. By being inspired many parts of the poem. It resolves my personal
                 struggles, as well as my mood. Always strive to be happy. Because being cheerful, and a 
                 happy person is always be the best. It always express my emotions.

                                                Therefore, happiness is always be the best. Happiness is always there
                 for you. Always be happy. Happiness makes you enjoy a lot of awsome people, some of
                 the best parts, best bonds of your whole life, and others. It makes you great and enjoyful
                 to others. 


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