Summary: Ki, the Pygmy, has married a pygmy girl from another village. The girl was called Luetsi and she became Ki's wife. Ki has a brother named Ntio. Ki agreed and gave Luetsi a big piece of meat to take to her mother. Now it happened that Ki was bitten on the foot by a snake and could not walk. So he asked his brother to fetch his wife. Ntio did not want to go. So Ntio fetched Luesti. Suddenly a leopard appeared among the trees, and it crouched ready to spring. The woman was paralyzed with fear. Ntio threw himself on the leopard and thrust his knife into the leopard's heart. Then the beast fell dead. Luetsi said, "You are brave, Ntio. You save my life. I wonder if Ki would have done as much for me." Ntio rolled the leopard over on top of the obstinate woman and then ran home to fetch his brother. Introduction : The story about the leopard is about saving a person/ people. And also, it shows bravery, and have more respect to a person/ people. Body: Ki, t...
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