
Showing posts from August, 2019

Life with happiness

                                              For me, happiness means enjoying your awesome life. Also, being                  a cheerful. Happiness enjoys a happy life, as well as bonds. It is the best part of my                   life. Good things happen everyday when there is  happiness, and to be inspired. Happ-                  iness is always there for me.                                               Be cheerful. Strive to be happy. I chose this lesson because it inspires                  me. I also need to learn about the lesson. Because being a ch...

Reflection: Nepal's Earthquake Preparedness

Reflection: Nepal's Earthquake Preparedness August 20, 2019 Reflection: Nepal's Earthquake Preparedness We have gathered informations about our assigned country, and we have learned that it was struck with an earthquake that devastating and had cause a lot of casualties and deaths. The 2015 earthquake, or called; Gorkha earthquake, made a lot of damages. Mainly, the structures of the buildings and houses was one. After the earthquake, governments formulated a plan that will hopefully decrease the chances of houses or buildings, going down. They made an alternative solution using bamboo as the material of this.  After we’ve gathered them, my fellow researchers and I, reacted to it positively. Because of how they wanted improve their structural problems. After the earthquake, as what we’ve mentioned, a lot of buildings collapse which caused a lot of lives. We know that the Nepal can definitely be better and will still progress against ever...